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One of the best approaches to providing debt relief and positioning yourself for a the future. Consumer proposals are legally binding agreement with your creditors that puts a stop to wage garnishments and calls from debt collectors. It consolidates your debts, freezes interest charges and protects the assets you do have from seizure. Consumer proposals provides an agreement between you and your creditors for a payment over a period of time of a portion of what you owe and forgiveness of the balance of the debt you owe.
This is a voluntary agreement between you and the creditors to reduce your monthly payments to a more manageable about. An agreement is made with us who work with your creditors on your behalf to lower interest costs with creditors who participate. Typically there is no reduction in the total principal and this does not effect your credit.
If you have a good credit score but are overburden by debt payments you may qualify for a Consolidation Loan allowing you to pay off a number of unsecured debts and other liabilities by combining them into one larger debt with more favourable pay-off terms, lower interest rates and lower monthly payments.
Governed by the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, bankruptcy is a formal process whereby debtors who cannot meet their obligations sign over all of their assets—except those exempt by law—to a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT). The LIT's role includes selling off those assets to satisfy outstanding debts.
Our Impact
Significanlty reducing your overall debt.
Reducing your debt payments.
Giving our clients a fresh start .
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Canadian Financial Statistics
This is the average amount of credit card debt that each Canadian carries.
Canadians carry $22,000 in non-mortgage debt on average, according to Equifax, which includes credit cards, lines of credit and installment loans.
The household debt-to-income ratio now stands at 169.4, up 23 per cent from a decade ago, and on par with what the US saw at the peak of its housing bubble.
40 Years
Don’t forget, a credit card balance of as ‘little’ as $6,000 can take more than 40 years to pay off if only the minimum payments are made.)
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